Friday, January 25, 2013

I just rediscovered this excellent site. Well worth the occasional browse:

There are some real gems in there! For example:

> python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Serve current directory tree at http://$HOSTNAME:8000/
Useful for tiding up your workspace whilst keeping jobs running:
> disown -a && exit
Close shell keeping all subprocess running
I do love a bit of process substitution:
> diff <(sort file1) <(sort file2)
diff two unsorted files without creating temporary files
> rm !(*.foo|*.bar|*.baz)
Delete all files in a folder that don't match a certain file extension
And a "I should have thought of this; it's so obvious now!" trick:
> some_very_long_and_complex_command # label

Easy and fast access to often executed commands that are very long
and complex. When using reverse-i-search you have to type some 
part of the command that you want to retrieve. However, if the
command is very complex it might be difficult to recall the parts
that will uniquely identify this command. Using the above trick
it's possible to label your commands and access them easily by 
pressing ^R and typing the label (should be short and descriptive).

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