I've cut a number of things on my CNC machine using EMC2. I've been perplexed by the fact that some of the corners in my test shapes were not sharp, but were rounded off.
I've just been designing and cutting some new leadnut holders and found that the hexagonal depression I was cutting was also plagued with these curved corners (not good when you need a hex nut to fit in them). It turns out this is to do with the G64 command in the G-Code which tells the trajectory planner to sacrifice path following accuracy in order to keep the feed rate up (i.e. cut/round corners). A good description is available in the EMC2 documentation section covering trajectory control.
I manually edited my G-code (this one coming from CamBam, but past ones were from Inkscape and dxf2gcode) so that the G64 command now read "G64 P0.001" and the hexagon cut with much sharper corners.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Fun with process substitution
I was introduced to process substitution recently at work, it's a great way to avoid temporary files for some simple cases.
For example, say I wanted to know what the column header changes were between two files (same data, different code used to extract them). The files are tab delimited and I have a script I use (frequently) that prints out the index and name for the headers in an input file -
So, if I want to see what's different between two files, in the past I'd create two output files using my
You can eliminate the temporary files using a technique called process substitution.
Take a look at the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide for more examples.
For example, say I wanted to know what the column header changes were between two files (same data, different code used to extract them). The files are tab delimited and I have a script I use (frequently) that prints out the index and name for the headers in an input file -
.So, if I want to see what's different between two files, in the past I'd create two output files using my
script and then use diff
, kompare
or comm
to compare them.You can eliminate the temporary files using a technique called process substitution.
> diff <(columnHeaders.sh file1) <(columnHeaders.sh file2) 2,3c2,3 > 0 blarg > 1 blorg -- < 0 blorg < 1 blargIn this case we see two columns have been swapped between file1 and file2.
Take a look at the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide for more examples.
script basically does this (but allows user specified delimiters):
> head -1 <input file> | perl -F'\t' -lane 'print $n++,"\t$_" for @F'
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